Saturday, March 15, 2008

So I'm Convinced. Thoroughly.

I am most happy to relate that I have converted from a long-time PC user to an enthusiastic fan of Macbooks. The reason? I have one.  :-)

It may seem a rather abrupt purchase--and it was--but the reasoning behind it is sound. My computers to date have all been hand-me-downs. They were valuable and good while they lasted, but one got to be over ten years old, and ran on Windows 95, and had no internet access, while the other two got the rheumatic and the fever n' ague after a while. My latest one crashed a couple days ago and started giving me blue screens of death. 

So I now have a new one, what is (we hope) to be my computer for college and likely beyond. It's my first brand new computer, and so far I've found little not to love. It has about 93 gigabytes more space than my previous computer, runs smoothly and quietly, and does everything I want it to and more. I'm happy! 


Elisabeth M said...

I'm. Very. Rather. Jealous. :D

Myrtle's still in a coma, but sadly, I'm not willing to sink that much money into a computer. Yet. I'm thinking about buying a laptop of some sort, but I think my budget won't allow for a Mac. *sob* And I want a camera, too.

*drolls in jealous*

Anonymous said...

oooooh! congratulations! :) I agree...macs are just plain cool-AND they run better! :) I want one...