Monday, March 2, 2009


After the Long Wait, so long that I had a good while since forgotten to even worry about it, I discovered today that I'm a National Merit Finalist. Sweet!

I also translated a small bit of the Domesday Book today, which was pretty cool for historical and nerdy value, but which intrinsically was actually quite boring. "This property had blah-de-blah ploughs, so many villeins, and their woodland was such and such. Oh, and then this property had blah-de-blah ploughs..." And so on for about five paragraphs. Tomorrow I'm starting on Pope Urban II's speech that sparked the First Crusade, though, so that ought to be more interesting.

Oh, yeah, and I finished Kiriana. :D 418 pages, although editing may either lengthen or shrink it slightly (depending on whether winnowing the chaff or patching the gaps ultimately wins out).


Cindy Marsch said...

Congratulations, Connor!

The Tolkienist said...

Asser's Life of King Alfred is similar, but I'm only in the first parts.

Good goin' on your book!

Sir David M. said...

Congrats all around. 418 pages, eh? Not a bad sized book, to be sure. Though Paolini might scoff. ;-)