Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Farewell, Mr. Ledger

Actor Heath Ledger died today, likely from a drug overdose. He was 28. He left a young daughter behind. I never even came close to knowing him, never saw him in real life, but I feel pity for the man. One of the main things I know him for is portraying a homosexual character in Brokeback Mountain. From what I have heard of him, he did not profess Christ. I hope, some time before he died, that he was drawn to the only way of salvation.

Death comes to us all. I pray it did not come upon Mr. Ledger unawares.


Elisabeth M said...

I was rather unmarkedly emotionally touched by his death. I was, on the other hand, touched by the death of Edmund Hilary - because I really don't admire the former, but the latter, I definitely admire and hold up as a positive role model. The Kiwi beekeeper who climbed Everest. It's a huge accomplishment and I admire him way more for that than somebody who played a homosexual cowboy.

*is feeling slightly cynical this evening*

Connor Hamilton said...

I understand your thoughts, Elisabeth, but I didn't write my post because I admire Heath Ledger. I don't appreciate the fact that he played a homosexual and acted out its implications on screen. I wrote the post because I feel pity for him. Like I said, he did not profess Christ to my knowledge. He was young, and had he lived a full life would have had many more years ahead of him. But now he's gone, and may well have been spiritually lost when he died. Both my grandparents on my father's side have died without me being sure of their faith, and that is a grave thought. Doesn't that deserve our pity, as Christians? I am sad that Ledger no longer has the chance to become a role model like Mr. Hilary.

Elisabeth M said...

Hmmm. Pity, yes . . . I guess I've been touched by some deaths of late that have made me very emotional. People I've never met . . . people, however, that I'm connected to. And it makes me slightly less ready to pity a person who took his own life.
(I think, mostly, I'm refering to Madeline Lester - http://madelinelester.com/ - a younger sister of my brother's classmate. If I would have been free that evening, and with a means of my own transportation, I probably would have gone to her memorial service. *tears up*)

But you are right. He is to be pitied - he probably never knew the all saving grace of Christ. And given he was suicidal . . . doubtful that he ever did. But yeah. I'm overly cynical this evening, I apologize.