Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's Better than Flogging Round the Fleet, but...

I could think of less stressful ways to spend a Saturday morning. :-D The SAT is a mere two days away for me. I have the chance to take it again if my score is poor, but of course I want to give it my best shot the first time around, and as those of you who have already taken it know, it's a long process and a bit mentally grueling. Your prayers are appreciated, and anyone who is taking it Saturday will have my prayers as well!

Note that I have been reading War and Peace, but falling miserably short of my quota. I guess that's not surprising, given school and writing...but a little discipline is all it would take. :-P


Elisabeth M said...

Thanks for reminding me that I still need to take that darn test sometime . . . not to mention study for it. This could be interesting . . . it might end up on the weekend between our family reunion and our big kayaking event. That'd be. . . bad.


Sir David M. said...

I'll be praying as well.