Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On a quest for new walking routes, my parents and I ran across this fantastic house in a quiet little neighborhood about ten minutes' drive or so from us. I figure that if I make a good living from writing (and housing prices dip considerably) it would be a nice place to raise a family and have a quiet nook to peck away at a story. I would guess that as it stands it would sell for more than a million dollars, though, so I'm not sure how likely that is. Isn't it pretty, though?


Jeremy VanGelder said...

It does look very nice. But I wouldn't think that it would sell for much more than $600,000. However, there might be more features to it than meets the eye.

Connor Hamilton said...

Well, it's on a fair bit of property in a desirable upper-class neighborhood. A house across the street is going for $1.2 million, though I think it has more property.

I hope you're right, though, because I really like the house! :-)