Friday, February 22, 2008

A Mighty Big Project

Well, as my sidebar indicates, I've undertaken to read War and Peace. I got it for Christmas, as the venerable Pevear and Volokhonsky team had not long hence released a translation of it. It was your example in large part, David, that inspired me to take it up now, with a couple school books out of the way. I intend to set myself between at least 30 to 50 pages at day, so that I can finish it in about a month. I'm 20 pages in, and it's already quite fascinating. The translators have obligingly put a list of major characters at the beginning, so I hope I shan't grow too confused as I buzz-saw through the rest of its 1216 pages. :-P

In other news, I am considering taking Patrick Henry's summer drama class in late June, provided it doesn't conflict with any other summer plans. That should be fun, if I do decide to do it. More near in the calendar, I will be visiting Hillsdale and Grove City this April, and will at last get to meet David in person, which is of course most exciting. :)

1 comment:

Sir David M. said...

Well, I'm not sure how worthy my example is of following: I ended up having to stop and start over again because I got so sidetracked, and if you're attaining your goal of 30 to 50 pages a day, it would not surprise me if you finish the book long before I do. ;-)