Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Driving Test

EDIT: I passed!!!

Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers: I was very blessed to see so many comments on my last post. I'm doing all right. As of now the strangest thing is how much my life has changed, by which I mean location, routines, future, all of that.

Perhaps at some point I'll update at greater length, if I feel it's right. Right now, though, I'd just like you all to pray for something considerably less important, but still of some significance, if you think of it. I'm taking my driver's test tomorrow in the hopes of obtaining my license. As long as I don't bomb out on the test, which I don't anticipate, I shall have the privilege of full Class C driving rights in just a little over 24 hours. :-)


Anonymous said...

I'll pray that you pass the test (I flunked it once before I was able to pass!) and I'll pray for everything else you are having to figure out now.

Mary S

Han said...

I've been praying for you this past week, and so has my church-- we're going to keep it up.

As for the driver's test-- whoohoo! I took mine last year. In the town where I got my license, the instructor makes it a point to take those being tested through all the unmarked intersections in town-- we don't even have any of those in the town I live in! But, by the grace of God, I passed. Not having younger siblings, I suppose this won't be a big thing for you-- but watch out, as soon as you have your license, you're the one who has to run errands!

Sir David M. said...

I'll be praying as well. I'm sure you'll pass--you can't be half as bad as half the licensed drivers in our city.

Carol in Oregon said...

I will pray, Connor. My three sons all had different experiences taking the test in our little corner of the world.

I've never been able to predict outcomes on the driving test. My brother and my eldest son, both overachievers, failed on their first attempt.

Around here (eastern Oregon) some kids go up to Wallowa County to get their license. There isn't one stoplight in Wallowa county!

I'm praying for you with all the other transitions. God be with you.

Carol (Mrs. B.) in Oregon

The Tolkienist said...

Congradulations! I, alas, have never sat behind the wheel of a car that is on, let alone gotten a license. :-P


Teri said...

Congratulations, Connor!

Anonymous said...


Lynne said...

Way to go, Connor!

Debra H. said...

Congratulations on passing, Connor.

Hang in there with all the adjustments. You are in our prayers.

Mrs. Hilton

Carol in Oregon said...

Congratulations Connor. Way to go!