Saturday, December 6, 2008

On the Grid Again

Hey all,

We had a good Thanksgiving here--just finished up the last of the leftover turkey yesterday, in fact; it was a 22 lb. bruiser--and so far life has been progressing well. If anyone who reads this didn't hear from some other source, I have been admitted to Hillsdale College, my hands-down top choice, on a 1/2 tuition scholarship. That makes me exceeding happy. :D

I'm also finding the Venerable Bede a bit tricky to translate in spots, but that's ok. He can be that way. He'll just see if I care.

It's getting cold, finally: Grandpa estimated it was around 28 last night and I had to put de-icer on "my" car (Dad's leased car, which we'll be turning in, in anticipation of whatever car I do end up owning). For some time the weather has been unusually mild for November-December, and I'm ready for it to get cold for good until April. It should be nice and bracing for my walks, which because of the steep hills in this area will be deathly to calories.

Lastly, I've inherited a Motorola Razr from mea mater, which I've been very much enjoying. It's of a bold dark red in hue, and, to me the most fun part, I got it to play a theme from The Dark Knight soundtrack whenever someone calls me. So call me, ja? :D


Cindy Marsch said...

Congratulations on the scholarship to Hillsdale!

Grady Clan said...

If that is the same car your father had when I visited, you must be driving around the nicest car for a young man. :) Kait and Ryan have the standard grandparent hand-me-downs from the last decade, but they are extremely grateful. What does Robert think about you getting a license only a year or so after he did? :)

Yay on Hillsdale! Are you rooming with David???

Glad to hear you are well.

Robert said...

Have you translated Bede's account of Caedmon?

I used it to triangulate between Old and Modern English in the ultimate nerdiness gambit. Oh yes. Reading Old English and consulting the Latin original to form a better translation. Sweetness.

David Maxwell said...

Bede! I've never read him in the original Latin, but I've heavily consulted translations for certain projects. One of these days I'll have to tackle him.

Connor Hamilton said...

Mrs. Grady,

It's a businessman's car, really: rather posh for someone who isn't even quite a college student yet. :-) As I said, it's not a permanent deal, though its power and roominess are nice.

I thought Robert's had his license longer (bru, can you clue me in?). In any case, I don't think he minds too much. :) And yes, I'm planning to room with David. :D

Robert--the Bede passage was on Augustine predicting the downfall of the Britons for failing to stay on a par with catholic orthodoxy. They got creamed by some marauding king or other and Augustine's prophecy was fulfilled. :-)

Nice job on the language triangulation! That is very nerdy, very you, and very cool.