Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Greetings, Hail, 'Sup, and Guten Tag.

I suppose the squirrel is old news by now--long life and health to the little chap, so long as he lives it to the hilt away from our mantelpiece, thank you very much. :-)

I have not been posting primarily, I suppose, due to the combined fact that my days are fairly full, but do not especially lend themselves to an exciting public report, being as they are of a routine nature. I do have a fairly heavy 5-gallon-bucketful of books and movies to discuss, though, which portends well for Tolle's fortunes. :D These include My Antonia, All Quiet on the Western Front, and The Old Man and the Sea; and Casino Royale, There Will be Blood, Iron Man, and The Dark Knight.

In the world of writing, I have developed an extremely exciting and heartening idea for Kiriana which will, I believe, galvanize my upcoming work thereon. Details would spoil the book rotten, so I'm going to be miserly about those, but it does have to do with the book's climactic scene.

Last, but not least, I have a decent handful of events over the horizon: lunch with a couple families from church, an airsoft war, spending a day or two at the Deckers', and the Reformation play on the 31st. Adieu for now! :-)


Anonymous said...


(Hello in Greek.)

(You should have added that one.)

Anyways, glad to hear that things are going ok. Have you had any more squirrel appearences? One of the profs here apparently has a family of squirrels that he has named, one of which died tragically last year. Sadness.

*moment of silence*

Anyways, I must scurry off (rather like those odd squirrel things) to study for Greek and science and Rhetoric, since my dear professors have decided to squish all my tests into one week. Professors are odd things, too, like those squirrels.

Sir David M. said...

Well, since you've stolen all the books, perhaps I can claim a fiml adaptation? I'll be watching both versions of All Quiet on the Western Front and comparing them both to one another and to the book. I'll send the reviews off when I'm done and as time allows.

Connor Hamilton said...

No, Sarah, fortunately the squirrels have left us alone so far. Their bedraggled and soot-covered brother must have provided sufficient warning not to poke a nose down our chimney again.

I got the impression that the Hillsdale profs are eccentric even from the day and a half I spent there. :P Particularly the classics professor whose beard reminds me of Jeb Stuart. :-)

Go for it, David. And there's no reason for me to steal every book for review--if there's one you'd like to do, that's no problem. I haven't started any yet. :)

Lynne said...

Break a leg tonight, Connor!

We'll be enjoying German food and watching Luther, with occasional interruptions to answer the door and hand out candy.

Mrs. Spear, from Classed, mama to various Spears (some of whom you may be acquainted with)

Debra H. said...

I hope that you enjoy your play this evening and that everyone performs to the hilt!

I hope that the 'execution miracle' won't distract your thoughts too much.

All the best.

Mrs Hilton

Unknown said...

I am anxious to hear your review of All's Quiet on the Western Front! I have been reading WWI books and I thought I might try that one next or A Soldier of the Great War.

Hope things go well tonight.

MagistraCarminum said...

Hi Connor-
Another cyber-auntie here from ClassEd, popping on to wish you blessings for tonight's performance:-)

And as one that just finished A Soldier of the Great War (as per Cindy's suggestion above) may I just say that it is a brutal book, a true tragedy, but you have to be committed to slogging through enough mud to fill the Somme...

With love and prayers,
Chris Finnegan in NM

Patricia said...

Connor--Praying all goes well with your play tonight. Please tell David all about it so he can tell me.


Unknown said...

Dear Connor,

I am very interested in your Reformation Play! I hope you will post about it on your blog : ) I am praying it will go very well for you tonight...

Mrs. Rogers,another ClassEd auntie and mama to Justus (12yo) who loves books, writing, and acting - I have told him about you!

Unknown said...

We are praying that your play goes famously. We need another visit! The kids have been asking when you can come again. I hope that is soon!

Mrs. D

amy in NM said...

Go Connor!
Praying for you and hoping all is going well tonight.

the Lawrence family in MD (another of your CLASSED extended family cheering you on!)