I would rather not post the manuscript on my blog publicly, so here's an idea: why don't you e-mail me if you'd like to read it? (merawin
And, on different subject, I voted yesterday! I'm not sure if I'll tip Oregon over the edge and make it a red state, but it's still an important and satisfying responsibility to exercise. Maybe I'll at least help defeat the various measures that would slather more than $400 million dollars in extra taxes on our county--for an arts center, our community college, and our zoo, my left foot! I ask you!
That's my motto.
No Taxation Without Representation. And here's news for you, local government: I'm representing that I don't want to get taxed more for silly stuff. Got it? :P
I'll try to update afore long with some more of the happenings of my life, including long-delayed pictures from the trip my dad and I took to central Oregon in early September.
Hold up.
You don't pay taxes, do you? :p
I totally voted for the college one! I think I might've left the others blank, though.
Nope...but I will! And I'd rather they not be almost $375,000,000 more by the time I get around to forkin' over some pork to the local lords.
I don't mind a bit if the college lobbies for more money...I just don't want to have to pay for it, willy-nilly, even though I don't use it, my children very likely won't use it, and I probably wouldn't like it much if I went there. :-)
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