Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Austrian firearms + Mexican restaurants = Today

Today in a nearby Mexican restaurant I saw a chap in civilian clothes carrying a very dandy Glock, probably a 17 or 22, on a belt holster, completely unconcealed. Evidently, as it turned out, he was a plainclothes cop, or some such like. I didn't quite work up the courage to ask him about or compliment him on it: I wasn't quite sure how he would take it, and whether he would want me to draw attention to his pistol in the middle of a public building. But it was slightly unsettling (never seen it before on someone not in police uniform) and also rather cool, in retrospect.


Sir David M. said...

How did you find out he was a cop?

Connor Hamilton said...

There was a police van outside the restaurant, and one of the employees at the restaurant, who seemed to know him, carried on a conversation with him that had suggestive words like "arrest" and "our service" and other such in it. :-)