Friday, September 19, 2008

The Ultimate Question Is, Can He Do It?

*Joker voice* I'm going to try a experiment.

Background info. So I'm caving. I think I'm going to start The Epidemic.

Now, before you start throwing full wine bottles at your computer screen, and wrap sweaty sheets around yourself at night, feverish with nightmares of Kiriana and Immortality gathering dust in obscure corners of warm, musty cellars beneath my expansive authorial den--before I become too ridiculously figurative--hear ye now my experiment, or plan, or whatever you like to call it. I intend, if possible, God willing, and barring unforeseen circumstances, to strive to write between 250 and 500 words a day, minimum, on these three novel projects. That would be a maximum minimum, so to speak, of 1500 words a day, or about three single-spaced pages. Of course there may be days when I pump out twice that, but this is to try to guard against two things: wasting good writing time, and letting perfectly interesting projects founder.

You have authorization to beat the tar out of me if I fail in this. Though I also have authorization to defend myself. :P

So, will it work? I hope so. It had better work, because this is how I want to run things when/if I am a professional author. No better time to start than right now.

Peace out, readership. ;-)


Sir David M. said...

You know, sir, you are not much of an inspiration to those of us who are trying to use our manly determination to hold our ground on two stories at a time. ;-)

Oh well. I hope your plan is successful; and you know now that you've announced it you'll have to let us read it. :-D

Connor Hamilton said...

Sorry for being such a bad influence, David. :D And yes, of course I'm going to let you all read it. When it's ready for the public eye, anyway. :)

Elisabeth M said...

Two projects I can see you handling, Connor, but three?


But that's a given. =P And I will bug you if you start letting Kiri and Immortality drop. =D