Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Every Author Wants

EDIT: Meet Special Agent Tsukiko Takahashi. ;-) Click for a larger view.

It is also noteworthy that she regularly carries one of these, the Heckler & Koch P2000 Subcompact (in 9mm):

I met one of my characters today. Not in the Stranger Than Fiction sense, in which an actual novel character becomes embodied, but rather in the sense that a model in a women's clothing magazine my mom was looking at quite unknowingly resembled my mental image of my character. She looks the part of the protagonist of Faceless, that Japanese hitwoman story I've been talking about. Even the clothes aren't far off from what she might wear. The page itself was relatively irrelevant to the magazine as a whole, so Mom tore it out, and I'm going to see if I can scan it.

Besides that, I saw the movie Shooter tonight, starring Mark Wahlberg. It was a fairly conventional sort of Lone Well-Trained Ex-Military Guy Seeking Vengeance Against Corrupt Government Forces movie (Bourne, anyone?) but it was pretty fun: a "high-octane" film as some review proclaimed. When I actually get off my haunches and update Tolle Lege, I intend to review it.


Sir David M. said...

I take it she wouldn't be smiling like that most of the time?

Connor Hamilton said...

Well, that depends greatly on the situation. She probably wouldn't feel the impulse to smile often, but in order to be polite to people she likes or charming to people she needs to ingratiate herself with, she would certainly smile.

Anonymous said...

That's cool ... looks like she's reaching for her sidearm.