Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Quiz

Having not filled out one of those little internet quizzes in many months, I figured that pirating one from Breanna's Blog, especially since it seems that she pirated it from someone in her turn, would be an amusing pastime. Barring some egregious spelling errors, I was generally right.

1. Full Name: Connor James Hamilton.

2. Who were you named after?: Connor MacLeod, from the movie Highlander.

3. Which finger is your favorite?: Probably my right index finger, if I had to choose one. One can point at things, scratch behind the ears, rub the eyes and press “play” all with this versatile digit.

4. Have you ever sang into a hairbrush?: No, and I can think of no plausible reason why one would do so. I might sing an ode to good spelling, however, o mismanager of verb forms.

5. When did you last cry?: Well, I don’t remember for certain. The last time I clearly remember doing so is when I listened to Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” speech. It really got to me.

6. Do you like your handwriting?: It serves me well enough.

7. What is your favorite lunch meat?: Tuna. It’s a lunch meat for me...

8. Any bad habits?: Well, sure. Wasting time is a big one. Also secretly prowling the countryside at night, hanging up Confederate flags and painting black Xs on people’s doors to frighten them. (Wait, did I just give myself away??) :-)

9. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf?: I don’t think I’m particularly embarrassed by any CD I own.

10. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don’t know; the question is so hypothetical that an accurate answer would be impossible. I don’t think I’d mind myself terribly, though.

11. Are you a daredevil?: No, not at all. Risking my life does not thrill me.

12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: Hm...I think when I was about twelve someone told me he had a crush on a girl, asked me not to tell anyone, and I mentioned it to my parents, knowing they wouldn't spread it around. But I don’t think I ‘swore’ not to tell it.

13. Do you own any burnt CD's?: Yep, a couple of music from my brother’s CDs.

14. Have you ever said a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: If I repeat almost any word often enough, or read it multiple times in print, it looks silly.

15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Does anyone? No, rainbows are the refraction of white light through moisture in the air. Pots of gold couldn’t hang suspended at the end of one, and in any case, who would put them there?

16. Do fish have feelings?: I seriously doubt it: not anywhere near the level humans do, for sure. Not being privy to an animal’s mental states, I suppose the presence of, say, an alligator might trigger a general wave of alarm. But I wouldn’t know.

17. Do you like school?: Yes, but I’m glad it’s winding down for the summer.

18. Do you ever say never?: I think just a few days ago I said, “I would never vote for Obama…” so yes. :)

19. Where is your second home?: Well, there’s the summer house in Sicily and the winter house in the Florida Keys, as well as the Bungalow outside Bombay…:-P Really, though, home is home. I don’t really have a second one.

20. Do you trust others easily?: Fairly easily, I think, though it would depend on the circumstances. One can’t be naive.

21.What was your favorite toy as a child?: Legos or Playmobile, I suppose.

22. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: I think there are very few disciplines that are actually useless. Math and physics have the least direct bearing on what I plan to do, but science is fairly interesting and math does have merit.

23. Do you have a journal?: No.

24. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Hm. I don’t actually know. Probably a decent bit.

25. Do you have a crush on a lad or girl at the minute?: Nay, all my friends are just friends at present.

26. What do you want in a boy or girl?: A lady fairly similar in age, with a beautiful soul, conservative Christian doctrine, a generational outlook, homeschooling aspirations, an appreciation for the liberal arts and no aversion to living in the Northwest. :-)

27. Do you get along better with girls or boys?: I get along fine with both, although I often find girls more talkative--but often less approachable, though that may be just my problem.

28. Would you ever bungee jump?: Probably only if it were a matter of life and death. Not recreationally.

29. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Not most of the time.

30. Do you think you're strong?: In what sense? Physically I suppose I’m decently strong, though I have much room for improvement.

31. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?: Breyer’s mint chocolate chip.

32. What's your favorite color?: Most earthy colors (red, blue, green, purple, orange, brown, golden, etc.) can be rendered in attractive hues. My favorites would probably not be found among neons, bright pinks, pastels, etc.

33. Are you in love with any one?: In the more general sense, I love my family and my friends, and I strive, often unsuccessfully, I fear, to love my fellow men. But I am not stricken i’th’ amatory way at present.

34. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: Wisdom teeth...I think some might be trying to rudely butt in somewhere. I don’t know how many there are.

35. Are you organized?: Not incredibly so, although I don’t usually leave a positive hurricane in my wake.

36. How many people have a crush on you right now?: I find this question impertinent, and in any case I couldn't know for certain.

37. Who do you miss right now?: Dad and my brother. Should be ‘whom.’

38. What food do you most want to eat right now?: Oh...a bowl of cereal and half of an English muffin with peanut butter and honey.

39. Where do you most want to be right now?: Except Heaven, right here at home.

40. Do you ever make up your own words?: Yes, often.

41. Do you find it easy to forgive?: This capacity hasn’t been severely tested, but I think generally so, yes.

42. What was the last thing you ate?: A grilled sandwich with chips and applesauce.

43. How are you today?: Tired, a bit sun-stunned (it’s jumped from the 60s to high 70s/early 80s and we were out a lot in the yard today), but not at all unhappy. You?

44. Favorite alcoholic drink?: I haven’t tried too many, but a few kinds of wine are agreeable.

45. Siblings and their ages?: Robert, 22.

46. Favorite fast food?: Baja Fresh.

47. What are three things you love about yourself?: Dear me, is this an invitation to arrogance? I think I’ll offer three things I’m grateful for: the family I was born in, the country I live in, and the joys of writing.

48. What is one thing that you hate about yourself?: My propensity to sin.

49. Favorite time of the year?: Well, it depends on what is happening. I like most, this time is fairly splendid, though.

50. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Being inexpertus in this area, I don’t know yet. I suspect I would be nervous, but not incapable of doing it.

51. Scary movies or happy endings?: False dilemma. I don’t mind suspense in a movie at all, but if it is scary merely for the sake of thrills, I don’t like that as much. I appreciate happy endings, but not if they’re forced.

52. Summer or winter?: Summer, I suppose.

53. Hugs or kisses?: How about both?


Sir David M. said...

#2: Are you serious?

#8 Ah. So you're the one... :-D

#29 Yet another thing we have in common.

Connor Hamilton said...

I'm quite serious about #2, yes! My parents watched the movie when it came out in the 80s and thought it would make a good boy's name. When they found out a few years later that I was on the way, they said, "do you still like that name...?" and they did. I was going to be named Connor MacLeod Hamilton, but one parent or other decided that would be too extreme. :-D

Breanna said...

I think I got this from Kristoff's blog.
I agree with #18 :-)
